Why wear a helmet?
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They save lives!
Every day, we hear reasons why people don't wear helmets:
I don't ride fast!
I'm not riding far!
I stick with easy trails!
I just don't want to!
Our friend didn't like wearing a helmet either... but our daughter Catherine told him we couldn't ride together unless he wore a helmet. Now he'll never go WITHOUT a helmet!He hit a pothole on the way to pick up his daughters from school and landed right on his head. Cracked his helmet in two places (and broke his arm) but otherwise he's FINE!
In honor of our friend who is now in need of a NEW helmet... we just brought in a huge shipment! All colors, sizes, and styles, at both Retro City Cycles Orlando and Longwood. And we're giving you 20% off your new helmet purchase!
Now there is no excuse to get a new one!
Helmets save lives, don't forget to wear yours!!!