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2nd Annual Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day!

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2nd Annual Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day!

Saturday, October 12!

SORBA Orlando, the Florida Freewheelers, and our amazing local bicycle shops are hosting "Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day" at the Lake Druid Park!
Saturday, October 12
10 am-2 pm
The purpose of TKMBD is to promote cycling within our local community. Get to know your local bike shops and the cycling community in Central Florida!

FDOT and Target Zero will be joining us to check the fit of all helmets, and donate helmets to those who need them!
We will be leading group rides in the skills park and on the Lake Druid single track trails.
Learn new things about cycling, meet new friends, enjoy lunch!
Kona Ice will also be joining the celebration!
We will also be raffling off three amazing bikes!! All proceeds from raffle tickets benefit SORBA Orlando!
- 12" Strider bike
- 20" Prevelo Zulu
- 24" Scott
(Don't forget your raffle ticket money!!!)
See you then!